Miss Camp Follower and money laundering.

I was talking to a man the other day about some of his worst dates and he remembered this girl he dated a while ago. I will call her Miss Camp Follower.

And coincidentally I just read a blog about what men hate in dating. One of their biggest problems with girls in dating is money issues. Men do not like it that a woman, who works, expects them to pay for everything. (Modern men, I suppose, I am still sort of old fashioned, though I’d offer to pay, it is polite when I don’t have to…)

“She expected me to buy her cases of wine and all her food. And everything just seemed to be automatically on me. She had her photo taken one time and told the guy to just get the money out of me. That’s when I knew she was just using me for money.

It was automatically assumed that I would pay for everything. At one time she told somebody that I was gonna buy her a car. I wasn’t gonna buy her a car. It’s the assumption that they guy is gonna pay for everything, even though he’s not getting anything. No extra curricular activities expected from me.

She basically had little honor. She would sleep with anyone who wanted her too. Last time I saw her she had basically doubled in size. She was just expecting it because I was so nice.

She would go over to people’s homes with her wash and she expected to be able to do her laundry ~ trashy!”

This woman just sounds plain selfish. Like most selfish people they tend to have a wider circle of friends, or acquaintances, that they take advantage of or USE. So they only have to come around to you, once in a while. Uggggh!

Watch out folks, for leeches! They come in all sizes and genders. People who are selfish or mean will only get worse. Don’t try to reform them, just move on.

A little sound advice from,

the unknown dater


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